Cultivate & motivate your thought life.

Changing your brain patterns takes time, perseverance and courage. Let’s dive into some hot topics to feed your mind—and your heart—along your path to recovery.

Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Why Brain Retraining with Christ Heals Chronic Illness

How does the brain’s stress response cause illness? Is my chronic illness really due to negative brain patterns? How can I get well? Brea explains the science behind brain retraining while shedding light on God’s role in your healing.

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Your Brain is Lying to You: 7 Lies that Separate You from Your Identity in Jesus

When I first met the Lord, I was in a lot of pain, suffering in isolation as an atheist in Death Valley. And then because of God, the scales started to fall off my eyes. I began to see the world differently through the lens of Jesus, and I realized that if I had been wrong about Jesus for so long, then there must be a lot of other lies I’ve believed my whole life!

Can you relate? Have you ever believed something so ardently only to find out later it was false?

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

4 Practical Tips for Brain Retraining When Feeling Overwhelmed 

We all have moments of overwhelming feelings, especially when burdened with severe limitations from illness or oppression. Whether it’s stress on the body, anxiety, or simply too many responsibilities, our brains can spiral into overdrive. But fear not, because there are ways to retrain your brain, restoring hope and a sense of empowerment.

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

God’s Word Is True, support for those feeling stuck

When you are walking through a physical, mental or emotional healing journey, (from a chronic illness perhaps), it can be common to feel like you are trapped in a prison. That feeling of oppressiveness is not pleasant. If you are feeling like you’re stuck, I want to help!

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Find Freedom & Healing Through Holy Spirit Inspired Visualizations

If you are looking for a way to implant God’s love and truth into your heart, find freedom in Christ and true healing, visualizations are a wonderful tool. I use visualizations in my programs, and I wanted to take a minute to share a little bit more information about them with all of you!

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

God Is Our Healer. Three Truths About Brain Retraining

God is our healer. Spending time focusing on God’s true nature and His Word opens our hearts to make changes in the brain, the kind of changes that lead to complete healing. Brea Katrin’s programs are based on limbic system retraining through a focus on allowing God to renew our minds.

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Going Deeper with Grace | Balancing Grace + Faith for Healing (Pt 3)

Question: did you get yourself saved? Did you think, study and pray for your way into the Kingdom of God?

Hopefully, your answer is no! The only thing we bring to our salvation is sin. It’s Jesus who brings His perfection, obedience and works of faith because He found God’s grace! When you ask, seek and knock for God to show you His grace, the revelation will transform your heart and spirit.

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Works vs Grace | Balancing Grace + Faith for Healing (Pt 2)

On your faith-based healing journey, it’s important to understand how God’s grace fits into your story. We know that God isn’t withholding healing from you. So how can you develop faith for healing when you trust but don’t see results?

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

What is Grace? | Balancing Grace + Faith for Healing (Pt 1)

For a lot of brain retrainers, connecting the dots between self-guided neuroplasticity and Biblical faith is easy to see. You are carving new pathways by faith, using tools to help rewire the brain. Right?

But these programs are missing an understanding of God’s grace. That’s a real shame because understanding the balance of faith and grace was a key component to my own recovery. And I know it can help you, too.

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back? (Part 2)

God says a lot about who you are in Jesus. But until you actually *put on* your identity in Christ, you’ll likely only see minimal results. Connecting with God, believing His Word, marinating in His love and visualising with Jesus are my go-to strategies for implanting His truth right into my soul. And they can be yours, too.

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back? (And what to do about it.) (Part 1)

If someone were to ask, “Who are you?”, what would you say? At the root of your being is your identity, and for followers of Jesus, our identity is in Christ. But often limiting beliefs keep us from believing or living the way God sees us. So how can you cultivate your true identity in Jesus and banish limiting beliefs for good?

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Brea Griffiths Brea Griffiths

3 Key Ways to Walk in Faith on Your Brain Rewiring Journey

Have you ever paid attention to how you use the word “faith”? Perhaps this sentence is familiar: “I have faith that God will…” More often than not, we use faith as a noun, a thing, something we either possess or we don’t. But when the rubber meets the road, faith is more like a verb. It’s a process. And how do you start?

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Start your journey

Whether you’re new to self-directed neuroplasticity, feeling stuck or just want a trusted guide along the way, I’m here to help.