Going Deeper with Grace | Balancing Grace + Faith for Healing (Pt 3)

Question: did you get yourself saved? Did you think, study and pray for your way into the Kingdom of God? 

Hopefully, your answer is no! The only thing we bring to our salvation is sin. It’s Jesus who brings His perfection, obedience and works of faith because He found God’s grace! 

But how can I say Jesus found God’s grace when He never sinned? Did Jesus even need grace? Yes, because the Bible doesn’t say that grace covers sin—it’s love that covers a multitude of sin (1 Peter 4:8). 

Grace is God’s strength, power and provision covering our human weakness and frailty. Jesus was fully God and fully human so he experienced everything we do. In the garden of Gethsemane before being arrested, Jesus found grace when He asked God three times for this cup to pass.

Paul asked God three times to take away his thorn in the flesh. (FYI, “thorn in the flesh” in the Old Testament refers to persecution, not sickness.)  And then Paul found God’s grace when He said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9

What I want you to receive, dear friend, is a revelation of the power of God’s grace. Unfortunately, Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” has been sorely misunderstood. Paul’s weakness in his own human flesh was the perfect opportunity for God’s strength and ability to work. In that moment, Paul had everything he needed to overcome and not suffer as he walked out his journey of preaching truth.

Paul got it: when he is weak, then he is strong. So he started to boast in his weaknesses, in the struggles of his journey, because then Almighty God is the power backing him. Paul walked in the grace of God.

So how do you find grace? I’m so glad you asked! 

Next up, I’ll give you three ways for you to find, explore and grow deeper in the everlasting grace God has for each of us. 

Can I ask a personal question? How are you doing? Like really doing? Look, I get it. Recovering from chronic illness using brain-based techniques and faith is totally doable, but it’s definitely an up and down journey.

If you’re looking for some extra help on your road to recovery, I’d be honored to partner with you. Check out my one-on-one and group coaching packages. Or simply reach out and I’ll get back to you soon.


Is The Chosen Season 3, Episode 2 Biblical? What if God doesn’t heal you with a miracle?


Works vs Grace | Balancing Grace + Faith for Healing (Pt 2)